From Boise is hiring!

Hello my friends,

I'm in your inbox today because I have some life news to share with you: I’m having a baby in November!

I’m giving you the heads up because I’m planning to take some time off so I can get the hang of parent life and get all the newborn snuggles in.

Even though I’m taking time away, you will still get the newsletter in your inbox every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon like usual. As for the podcast, I’m going to pause new episodes for November, December, and some of January. But you will likely get a few surprise episodes about holiday stuff because I just can’t leave you hanging. If you email me in November or December, I probably won’t respond until January. Or maybe I’ll respond at 3am. Who knows haha.

All of this leads me to my next important news: I’m hiring!

If you or someone you know would be a good fit for a position below, please fill out an application. I'm looking to fill these positions asap.

Content Specialist

As you know, the Thursday newsletter is a super important part of From Boise. A lot of people rely on it to make their weekend plans and I take a lot of pride in the variety of events and happenings that are in there each week. I’m looking for someone to take this job over completely. I’m kind of sad to give this work up, not gonna lie, because it’s really fun. But I know the right person will love doing it as much as I do. The perfect candidate has excellent research skills and is a super stickler for formatting. I’m also hoping they can help me write sponsored ad copy while I’m out.

💌 Read the Content Specialist job description

💌 Apply for the Content Specialist position

Sponsorship Sales Rep

I’m looking for someone who loves doing sales and working with local businesses to become From Boise's Sponsorship Sales Rep. This person will be working with local businesses and organizations to advertise in the newsletter and on the podcast. This role includes lots of outreach and communication with businesses of all sizes. The perfect candidate will be excited to get out and about in the community and will be motivated by earning commission.

💌 Read the Sponsorship Sales Rep job description

💌 Apply for the Sponsorship Sales Rep position

Social Media Manager

From Boise has a pretty good following on Instagram that I need help keeping up and growing. I also post our newsletters to Facebook. On Thursday, I like to post the live music calendar to the local Boise Reddit page (I've been slacking on this lately). In addition to social posts about the newsletters, I like to highlight different businesses, places, events, etc. at least once a week. We also have social media activations with some of our sponsors. I’m looking for someone who loves social media and will take the reins when it comes to strategy and content creation for social media channels. I also want this person to start a “comment to dm” automation program that makes it easier for social followers to read the newsletter. See the job description here and apply here.

💌 Read the Social Media Manager job description

💌 Apply for the Social Media Manager position

Soo yeah, lots of changes ahead!

I’m excited about the baby. I'm more nervous about taking time away from From Boise. I’ve never taken more than 3 weeks off since I started this in 2021 and I still checked my email during that 3 week span. I’m finding it hard to even imagine that other people can keep it going in my absence, but I know it's possible and that it’s the necessary next step.

If you or someone you know would be a good fit to join the From Boise team, please check out the job descriptions and fill out an application.

Thanks! Much love to you all.


PS - to answer your pregnancy questions...

We don't know the gender. My sister swears it's a boy.

I'm feeling great. My back hurts but it's tolerable.

Lately my arms have been going numb.. doc says its normal lol.

Yes it sure has been very, very hot this summer.

My pregnancy "craving" was starting to eat chicken again after 15 years of not eating it. One day at like 6 weeks pregnant we were walking through Whole Foods and I just needed one of those chicken strips. Been eating chicken ever since. Still haven't tried Chick-fil-a though.

ok bye!

From Boise

Every Tuesday, read a story about a person, place, piece of Boise history, or local happening. Every Thursday, get a huge list of things to do over the weekend. No news, no politics - just the fun stuff.